Clinical Care Resources

Te Ara Whakapiri - Care in the last days of life

The support and care of families/whānau, as well as the dying person, is a crucial part of last days of life care. It is best delivered by a multidisciplinary team, supporting everyone involved to identify realistic goals of care and contribute to decision-making, whilst also helping them deal with their own distress.

Te Ara Whakapiri - Care in the last days of life, can be used in any care setting to help teams of health care professionals make regular assessments that include reflection, review and critical decision-making in the best interest of the person they are caring for.

Further information and guidance documents are available from the Ministry of Health website here.


Advance Care Planning

Advance care planning (ACP) is the process of thinking about, talking about and planning for future health care and end-of-life care. It is about identifying what matters to you.

Advance care planning helps you, the important people in your life and your health care team, plan for your end-of-life care.

It helps you understand what the future might hold, and to say what health care you would or would not want. This makes it much easier for everyone to know what you want - especially if you can no longer speak for yourself.

More information can be found on the Advance Care Planning website by clicking here.


Community Authority Form

This form is to be used by prescribers (Doctor, Nurse Practitioner etc) to give community nurses authority to administer medications already dispensed to patients.


Palliative Care Resources

The Palliative Drugs website provides essential independent information for health professionals about drugs used in palliative and hospice care. It includes unauthorized indications and routes, and details about the administration of multiple drugs by continuous subcutaneous infusion. Further information can be found here here.